Every year I reevaluate the year that has transpired and I have to say emphatically that 2019 has sucked! Not because of anything on a Roamin with Roman basis, but on a personal one. I lost my father early in early February, and many people close to me. both family and extended family, during the course of the year. Frankly, I wish 2019 would just end.
As I look back though… a funny thing happened along the way. I met some awesome people at conferences/workshops/ & speaking engagements who all go through what I was going through. That is what got me thinking….we are definitely not alone in this journey and I personally want to thank more than a few people for keeping me upright in 2019.
First and foremost is Pura, (for those of you who don’t know …my wife of 30 years and the brunt of me…for 36) who I couldn’t have survived this year without. You have always been my rock, but this year more than most, I have tested you. For that, I am sorry. You have always told superman that even he has a breaking point/weakness and as usual, you were right, but unfortunately I almost dragged you and the boys into my darkness. That won’t happen again and I realize every day, what I have right in front of me!
My friends/clients/workshops participants who constantly remind me how much I encourage their path…..thank you! I never thought I would be on this journey and a freak chance of a meeting on an airplane will ensure I expand that roll as an inner city kid ( to be continued).
All of you who take the time to come see me and be part of my life big or small. When I sit back and think about your busy busy lives with countless things going on and you still take that time to come see my presentations and lectures to learn about photography. That is extremely awesome and I hope my teaching style has allowed your photographic skills to grow. This is what I am working towards for the future and this is what I feel will continue to drive me forward, no matter the life obstacles.
In a few months, it marks the 17th year since I stated Roamin’ with Roman Photo Tours. I could have never guessed what it has become and that is all thanks to you! I will continue to expand my locations, keeping in mind your feedback, leaving the small group workshops intact and offering the most intimate experience in the field around.
When I return from Costa Rica in a few weeks I will finalize (except speaking engagements) my 2020 schedule as well as the first quarter of 2021.
Thanks for your support and on behalf of my family, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Have you ever wondered what it means to be a photographer? In a way, photographs …
October 18, 2019I have been photographing for about 30 years now and I just can’t help but …
June 2, 2017
Patricia A Konyha | 4th Dec 19
I met you at the Omaha N4C convention back in 2015. While I had been taking pictures for years this was my first ever convention and I had just joined my local camera club earlier that year. I came home so excited, wanting to try everything I learned and everything I saw others doing. And the information and knowledge I took away from your seminars, night shoot, macro workshop were priceless.
You have been there for me when I had questions, even recently regarding a couple of lens option thoughts and I can’t wait to rent both this coming spring to help me decide which one i will buy for my sports photography adventures.
You inspired me so much that I have studied more and more on macro and done some programs within my club, a program with the local extension office and our 4-h photo kids and one at our botanical gardens. I even attempted a macro workshop with the talking and the hands on and everyone loved it, but I told everyone about you and the seminar/workshop I had attended and mine was not even close to what you had to give. I just wanted to give you to them and that was the best I could do. I gave away one of your books on macro photography and told everyone if they had a chance to go to a seminar with you they should NOT PASS IT UP!!!
I love your photos and your enthusiasm. Your continued love for photography, learning and sharing your knowledge with the rest of us. I hope that I will get to attend a workshop, tour, seminar again with you!
I will tell you that the Wichita Area Camera Club is planning a photography convention for 2022……in Wichita KS…and we are going to need speakers so….if you have any info on how I would go about getting information on your fees and details I’d certainly love to present that as one of our options.
Thanks again for being awesome. Hang in there!!!! Life sucks and we all go through it. The best way to survive is to go through it together. The saying “it takes a village to raise a child” is true, but it also takes a village to survive life as an adult.
Patricia Konyha
Marion Faria | 5th Dec 19
Merry Christmas, Roman
As a participant in many of your tours, I can testify that they are the best. The most fun, the teaching of night photography, the roaming all over this country and other countries…it has been a highlight of my life travelling with you and the friends I have made on your tours are lifelong..Going to White Pocket with Pura, you, Brad, and Julie was a true adventure…Pura is the best!
Merry Christmas to your whole family…looking forward to 2020…Marion
Roman | 5th Dec 19
Thanks Marion!